Sponsorship & Exhibition
For any enquiries please contact Janine Koeries: janine@soafrica.com / +27 (0)21 422 2402.
Dear colleagues,
The South African Bone Marrow Registry is proud to be hosting the 14th International Donor Registry Conference and WMDA Meetings in 2024, only the second ever in South Africa. Century City, Cape Town, the Mother City, will be rolling out the red carpet to its local and international guests on the 24th to the 29th of June 2024.
All stem-cell courier companies, Donor Registries, HLA Testing Laboratories, Pharmaceutical Companies, Professionals within the Oncology and Stem-cell transplantation fields are encouraged to make use of the marketing opportunities available.
The International Donor Registry Conference and WMDA Meetings is renowned to bringing international experts from across the globe together to share their expertise in the field of optimisation of search and matching, supporting global development, promoting donor care and ensuring quality.
The IDRC will feature top-calibre invited speakers presenting plenary lectures and interactive sessions. The abstract-driven programme will include oral and poster presentations including theory and application. The IDRC 2024 promises to be a unique opportunity to share experiences and expertise – the opportunities to gain experience, grow and network within the field will be phenomenal.
Century City Convention Centre (situated in Cape Town) provides a modern and world-class setting for this meeting. Cape Town is a city of unrivalled natural beauty, rich in history and culture with incredible cuisine and extraordinary wines.
Furthermore, we encourage you to take a few days before or after the meeting to explore Cape Town and surrounds. Table Mountain, the Winelands as well as the Garden Route is a must see for all visiting. Alternatively, make a holiday of it and visit other parts of the country for example the Kruger National Park.
We invite you to diaries the event dates now for what promises to be a special event in a remarkable destination. We look forward to seeing you in Cape Town in June 2024!
Jane Ward
Deputy Director,
South African Bone Marrow Registry