Obtaining your South African visa

It is our utmost priority to ensure that all delegates, regardless of country of origin, are able to attend the IDRC 2024 Congress. Please note that visa requirements differ from country to country. Please click here to see which countries are currently exempt from applying for a visa, and visit the Department of Home Affairs to determine which countries may use an e-visa. Learn more about applying for a South African visa on the Department of Home Affairs website.

We strongly advise you to contact the embassy and/or consulate directly on any documentation that may be required prior to attempting to submit your application or applying in person. We have been informed from delegates that guidance being given in person may differ from what is otherwise publicly available. Click here to see a list of all South African embassies and their contact information.

A letter can be downloaded after you register and pay. A link to download will be sent with your payment receipt.

Health and Safety

Century City Conference Centre has always considered the health and safety of guests and staff to be a top priority. Which is why they conform to the highest industry standards in complying with health and safety requirements: as part of all general operations, as well as during every event that the conference centre hosts.

General Health and Safety
Amongst other aspects of the commitment to Health and Safety is:

  • a dedicated First Aid Room available for the use of guests;
  • staff trained in First Aid on-site during events;
  • as well as staff members who have detailed knowledge of Health and Safety requirements associated with events.

Additional Information

Official language
The Conference will be presented in English. No simultaneous translation will be provided.

The temperature in Cape Town in June is cold, with average  high temperatures reaching 22°c (71°F) and average low temperatures of 13°C.

Time Zone
South Africa Standard Time (SAST) (GMT+2 hours)

Liability and insurance
Registration for the Conference implies that delegates agree that neither the Organising Committee, the IDRC 2024 nor Century City Conference Centre assume any liability assume any liability or responsibility for any losses, accidents or damage to person’s private property.
Delegates are requested to make their own arrangements for medical, travel and personal insurance.

Currency and exchange
The South African Rand is the local currency. Foreign exchange can be done in most hotels. Major credit cards are accepted and can be used to obtain cash from Automatic Teller Machines (ATM).

The voltage throughout South Africa is 220V/50hz. Most plugs are 15 amp 3-prong with round pins. Please bring an adapter. These can be bought at the airport on your arrival.

Water & Smoking
Tap water is drinkable in South Africa.

Smoking is prohibited in public spaces and is restricted to specific areas.

Hosts & Organisers
